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Kate James is the CCO of Social Cloud and serves on its board of  directors.

She was initially intrigued by the idea behind Social Cloud, and joined the executive team during its initial stages, using this opportunity to hone her passion for business, build a liking for computer science and fulfil personal philanthropic aims.

As the Chief Creative Officer now, she oversees all innovational matters within the company finding new creative and efficient ways to increase overall productivity within the company. Kate has been an essential part of developing the system that is now responsible for the smooth running of the company’s day-to-day activities.

Prior to becoming a founder member of Social Cloud, Kate participated in various initiatives dedicated towards helping out the unfortunate in troubling times; from a managing director at a student-led non-profit organisation focusing

on educating students during the pandemic to starting fundraisers aimed at feminine hygiene and covid relief funds. She’s driven immensely by her ambition, and empathy to help NGOs to the best of her abilities.

Kate had studied in Podar International School, Santacruz. Currently, she is completing A Levels in Gems Modern Academy where she is part of the student council, functioning as the Lead of Innovation & Entrepreneurship. In the future, Kate hopes to continue studying Business.

Kate James

Kate James

Chief Communication Officer

©2021 Social Cloud. Founded by Shubh Thorat

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