Adolescence is the time when we are most vulnerable to all the criticisms related to what we do, how we look, etc. This vulnerability makes us insecure about the comments we receive either by our peers, parents, family members or anyone else. Scrolling through social media, coming across people with that slim and slender body, the number of likes and comments on their posts, gives us an idea of what society needs a person to be, unfit and timid. First of all, let me tell you this, some of those people have not even worked out to gain that body. Some might have but these who have not, overthrow shadow on those people who have worked hard to achieved it. People have gone too far to achieve the standards of beauty and attractiveness.
When it comes to us teenagers, we are a lot more concern about how we look as we are about to meet a lot of new people during this age. These high school years, encourages us to look more cool and attractive. This is where the issue of body shaming comes to light.
First let us try to understand what exactly is body shaming? Body shaming is known as the action or practice of expressing humiliation about another individual's body shape or size; a form of bullying that can result in severe emotional trauma, especially at a young age.
As the definition clearly states that it can result in severe emotional trauma and yes, it does. I can relate to this because once, I was too, a victim of body shaming. I was being called with very weird names. I was so ashamed of my body, that I started wearing loose clothing, tried to avoid social gatherings and restricted my communication with my peers. I used to see myself as a blob. After I completed my high school, I felt a need of improving my body image to look more presentable in junior college. For this I started working out at home but I didn’t reduce my daily food intake because it was a proper diet for a person like me, only thing that I was lacking was exercise and cutting off my junk food intake. And eventually, in like 4 months, I went from waist size of 36 to a 32 and from a 79kgs to 68kgs. Now I’m happy by the way I look and confident to do anything.
There is nothing to be ashamed in being fat, if you hate it, work hard to maintain yourself ; if you love it, you are better than you were before.
You don’t need a perfect body to have a good body image. The only thing you need is faith in yourself and a heart that can love.
But if you are still insecure about your body image, here are some tips to improve urself :
• Accept Yourself. No one is perfect. Be confident and happy about your imperfections.
• Don’t body shame yourself. The more u think negative about how your body looks the more u hate yourself.
• Take care of your body.
• Eat healthy. Too much Junk, won’t make you a Hunk.
• Get adequate sleep. A normal teenager should at least get 8 to 10 hours of sleep daily. ( which is literally impossible with such hectic schedules and studies).
• Stay active every day. Try to go out for a walk with your friends or for swimming or create yourself a workout routine at home (like I did).
• Maintain a healthy weight suitable for your age.
• Seek professional help if you face any issues related to maintaining your body and weight.
And most importantly, You should love yourself for who you are. All of my blog articles want to convey the same message, that is love yourself for who you are, know your self worth cause when you do this it will eventually boost up your self esteem.
If your facing any issues or problems, please get in touch with our website, so we can help you out.
Till then,
And remember there is always a light at the end of tunnel.